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We find talent

Our main objective is your commercial development, in France, in Europe, internationally, the increase of your turnover and of your performances, for that, it is necessary to be well accompanied ...
We analyze and anticipate your company's needs to help you find talent.

Human resources management with us

As an outsourced export service, our team is present and at your disposal.
Indeed, you will be able to benefit from shared sales force.
A saving of time, money and above all, no stress, it is a full service.

Human resources management for you

Through our actions, our network and our contacts, we have the means to help you recruit the profiles you are looking for. 

Capture d’écran 2020-03-12 à 14.50.47.


Cécile Boury acts as a temporary teacher in schools and universities. 

Capture d’écran 2020-03-12 à 14.50.47.

we believe in training and apprenticeship

We regularly hire French or international students for internships or work-study programs. Following their training, they are likely to be placed with our exporters.

Capture d’écran 2020-03-12 à 14.50.47.

A network of partner recruitment agencies 

According to your geographical (local, regional, national, international), sectoral (industries and services) or functional (specific management, sales and marketing) needs.

As a result, we have built up a network of potential candidates

Indeed, we are in permanent contact with universities, schools and our network to which we circulate internship offers.

The training

Beyond recruitment, we can also train your teams.


Whether they are junior salespeople, "breeders" with a view to becoming "hunters", VIE (International Voluntary Service in Companies) / VIA (International Voluntary Service in Administration) or experienced seniors. 

We will find the solution adapted to your needs.


 The VIE / VIA is a program that aims to offer young people between the ages of 18 and 28 the opportunity to go on a professional mission abroad.

It is for you, a support in the process of sending one of your employees to meet international needs.

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